6. Mirtazapine, a paradigm of mediocre science in a deficient regulatory environment

These commentaries are based on Dr Gillman’s peer reviewed scientific papers, see Publications, SummaryThis essay summarises the data and that indicates much of the early work published on mirtazapine was inaccurate…

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Clozapine is the most potently anti-muscarinic neuroleptic of them all; it's side effect profile reflects that. It can cause severe constipation and even 'toxic mega-colon'.Clozapine is an example of a…

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7. Reversible and Selective MAOIs in Combination with (S)SRIs: Risk of Serotonin Toxicity

These commentaries are based on Dr Gillman’s peer reviewed scientific papers, see Publications, MoclobemideSummaryTherapeutic doses of Moclobemide combined with any (S)SRI carries a significant risk of potentially fatal serotonin toxicity. This…

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