About Ken

I am Dr Ken Gillman, a psychiatrist and clinical neuro-pharmacologist. My website provides free expert analysis and information about psychotropic drugs, based on my peer reviewed publications. I am the founder of the International MAOI Expert Group , the chairman of its Presiding Council and the senior author of the new MAOI guidelines.


[NEW] Important Announcement & Update

Charity, video, papers, WHO submission

The CYPs* assisting PsychoTropical have been working hard in the last six months to achieve certain key objectives, the main of these being the publication of key papers about MAOIs [see here] in the scientific literature, these being the essential step to the next phase, which is the submission to the World Health Organisation to have these drugs put on the essential medicines list.

*CYPs ‘clever young people’

The first ever guideline for the use of MAOIs

We have just succeeded in publishing the first ever guideline for the use of MAOIs in serious and treatment resistant depression, and this has been co-authored and endorsed by more than 40 other international experts from Europe and North America.  This is a huge achievement, possibly the most significant publication about MAOIs in the last 50 years.

In order to achieve these objectives we need to raise many thousands of dollars to undertake the work necessary to ensure success with the WHO application and associated tasks.  An important part of this announcement is to seek donations to the formally registered charity set up for this purpose. Details on how to do so can be found below.

The short video Dr Gillman has recorded about this is here

The papers supporting this project that have already been published in the peer reviewed scientific literature are here

WHO submission

This is already underway, and Vince is being remunerated for his work on this project. More funding is needed to enable him to continue this work as an external research consultant so that we can meet the deadlines the WHO have set for report submissions (16 December 2022) and for the Expert Committee meeting (24-28 April 2023).

Charity details

As our objectives expanded into the above, we have set up a dedicated charitable trust in parallel with PsychoTropical with a charity bank account (HSBC) through which to receive donations.  The donation process is facilitated through our charity PayPal account for its ease of use and country agnosticism.  You can find our donation page here.  If you wish to kindly make a large donation and would prefer to do so through a direct bank transfer, please reach out to Lila at lila@psychotropical.com, who can provide you with the relevant instructions and bank details.


  • Serotonin Toxicity

    Serotonin Toxicity is poisoning caused by drugs that have serotonin-mediated effects, so-called ‘serotonergic’ agents which can only occur after the ingestion of drugs that substantially increase brain serotonin levels. Click here to visit the Serotonin Toxicity section.

  • MAOIs

    MAOI antidepressant drugs are safe and effective, with levels of side-effects that generally compare favourably with other drugs, and for tranylcypromine (TCP, Parnate) are notably better than most for not causing sexual side-effects or weight gain. Click here to visit the MAOI section.

  • Drug Adverse Reactions & Interactions

    A large proportion of patients do not get an ideal result form the first antidepressant that they are given, and it is frequently necessary to consider alternatives which may involve combinations of drugs. At present the fashion of using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) endures, and, because this family of drugs have a higher chance of interacting with other drugs, drug-drug interaction problems are common and sometimes serious. Click here to visit the Drug Interactions section.

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